The Garon siphon-bridge
The Garon siphon ends at the receiving reservoir known as “La Gagère”, of which the ramp and ground level survive, with the Aqueduct continuing on a wall with fine opus reticulatum. It then crosses the Chaponost plateau on a wall or arches, of which remains can be found at various places in the town.
The channel passes underground but then re-emerges in rue Dr Penard at the start of a run of arches 550m long.
The construction is in stone and brick with lozenge-shaped blocks of stone arranged aesthetically in the form of a fish-net (opus reticulatum) alternating with double layers of large, red bricks. There are also brick ridges on the inner-sides of the arches. The waterproof render inside the channel is visible in places with the tell-tale rose colour of tile-mortar (opus signinum). The channel and the receiving reservoir of the Yzeron siphon at Plat de l’Air have been on the list of Historic Monuments since 1900.
Remise de chèque
In 2018, President Macron charged journalist Stéphane Bern with the task of obtaining sponsorship via Française des Jeux (organisers of the National Lottery) and the Heritage Foundation.
The Gier Roman Aqueduct was designated as a monument in severe danger in the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region.
Mme Nyssen, Minister of Culture presented a cheque for 96,000 Euros to the Mayor, Damien Combet during the European Heritage Days on 16 September.